Monthly Reports Updates
Google Analytics is used to track website activity. This analytic data is critical to the search engine optimization campaigns.
Analytics for SEO
Our SEO experts review the data to monitor the effectiveness of a particular campaign and identify trends and new opportunities. As the Google Analytic software changes to provide new services and new views of looking at the data. We can create a dashboard view or custom reports to share with you via email each month.
Analytics for Website Owners
Most website owners and managers are interested in seeing how many people come to their website. After running a SEO campaign, they become want to see more data. If you are placing ads or links on other websites it is possible to see some of these online referrals. If you are engaging in social media, you can see if it is driving traffic to your website. If you are looking to do a product/service promotion the analytic reports can show details of activity. If you are actively placing print ads in magazines, newspapers, billboards you can use a QR code in your print ad to come to a landing page created specifically for the print campaign.
Interesting Analytics
One could spend days looking at Google Analytics data. Netcetra has found that many clients like to view their data in the following ways:
- Geographic Data - If your prospects are local, national or international you will find the geographic reports extremely useful to see if you are reaching existing or new target markets.
- Keyword Phrases - Find out which search terms people enter when they come to your website.
- Landing Pages - Not all website visitors will come into your website via your home page, find out which pages are popular entry points.
- Popular Web Pages - Find out which pages people are viewing.
- Average Time Per Page - You can see what the average time per page is for your entire website or for specific web pages.
- Bounce Rate - The bounce rate looks at the percentage of visitors that come and leave quickly. When someone comes to your website and leaves immediately you will have a high bounce rate. Bounce rates can show that there is something wrong or that your keywords are very similar to the keywords in a completely different industry.