Social Media Consultants

Technical Support

24/7 Support Emergency and Standard Support

We offer 24/7 technical support including holidays at the support center.


Already have an account?

If you have already created a support account, then click the button above to login and request standard technical support.

First Time Users?

If you have never sent a support ticket through our ticket system before, you MUST create an account. After creating an account, you can then send a request for technical support.

Emergency Support

If you are in need of emergency technical support, be sure to mark the title with "EMERGENCY", there is no need to add this if your support request is standard.

Please be sure that when choosing the emergency option, that this is for a TRUE emergency - such as your website being down. Support requested that is not an emergency in nature but stated as so will be invoiced $100 per hour for each incident with an initial fee of $50. This is to ensure that actual emergencies are tended to first without flooding support with standard requests in the priority queue.

Email Support

NetCetra Policies for Email Support

NetCetra has been forced to set up guideline policies for e-mail support for our customers. We are not responsible for the set up of smart phones or tablets. We have provided the specs for the desk top, phone and tablet e-mail programs. If you can not set them up then we suggest you go back to the store where you bought them with the specs we have included here. If we are contacted in the office or through support, there will be $50.00 fee to review and set this up. The vendor you bought it from will do this for nothing. We will help you with setting up desktop mail programs.

If you are having a problem SENDING mail from your desk top mail program, tablet or your smart phone, the first call should be to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) that you are using. Send mail is 99% of the time an issue with your ISP or carrier for hand held devices, not us. We deliver your e-mail but they decide on the sending format and procedure. As we have stated this is the case in 99% of the issues. So by calling your ISP, your saving time and money. If you call us first and it is NOT our fault, we will invoice you $50.00 to research and fix the issue.

The practice of asking NetCetra and our support team for answers because you do not have an IT person or it is quicker, is very costly to us and we can no longer offer free support for another vendor's problems. Please go to the section for Setting Up Your Desktop E-mail Program for all the specs you will need for any device that using our e-mail servers.

Support Policy

Before requesting technical support be sure to read Netcetra's Support Policy.

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